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An Expert In Earthquake Prediction And A Literary Luminary

Introducing Mohammad Mokhtari: A Renaissance Man of Science, Poetry, and International Collaboration

An Expert in Earthquake Prediction and a Literary Luminary

Mohammad Mokhtari is a multi-talented individual whose expertise spans the realms of science and literature. As the Director of the National Center for Earthquake Prediction, he holds a PhD in Geophysics/Geology and serves as an Associate Professor at the International Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES). His scientific contributions extend beyond national borders as he chairs the Working Group for Northwest Indian Ocean (WG-NWIO) of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) under UNESCO.

A Literary Soul with a Scientific Mind

Beyond his scientific endeavors, Mohammad Mokhtari has also achieved distinction as a poet. Born in 1942 and passed away in 1998, he left behind an influential body of work that earned him critical acclaim in the Iranian literary landscape. His writings reflect a deep sensitivity and profound understanding of the human condition.

A Bridge Between Science and Culture

Mohammad Mokhtari's multifaceted talents have allowed him to bridge the gap between science and culture. Through his work, he demonstrates that the pursuit of knowledge and artistic expression can coexist harmoniously. His contributions in both fields have enriched the lives of countless individuals around the world.
